Sunday, February 17, 2013

sundays are the best day of the week

So it's sunday. And Im finally coughing up the last skunks of this horrible cold. which means i am back in the land of living and, therefore, inadvertently, back to post!

"Life is too short."

now that's a phrase I have always loathed. its clunky, blocky and just downright way overused. but the worst about it is, that indeed, it is true.

you're here one minute, there the next. and before you know it, all you're friends have all either married and have had babies, or just simply married, are still doing the same thing they always did from college in the same town you grew up in (usually the "cool" kids, at the time) or are dead. Sounds harsh, but, in truth, thats my life, in a nutshell.

and i wouldn't be surprised if it was yours too.

But back a few steps; saturday night, to be exact.

I realized for some reason, as if it came from the snowy skies and the metaphorical lightbulb shattering its fragments across the side of my face, that i need to stop thinking forward and start thinking about what is now and what is unresolved. seriously, it was a lightbulb shatter. all those splinters, yes.

I know it sounds like something everyone does and everyone thinks and everyone tells everyone to do, but, for me, it really, for the first time, actually happened.

So i am addressing all the deepest darkest secrets of my inner core. now how hot is that?!

And that is what happens when you are caught up in the depths of a cold with congestion flying out your ears for a whole week......

back to life, I say!!!!!!!!!

and back to monday

and work...

oh, damn....

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