Sunday, February 3, 2013


So, before I launch into a plug for my design firm, Pug in a Box, the topic of puglets naturally needs to be considered.

From Men in Black (Wilbur hates it when people namedrop The Intergalactic  Frank, who, unlike him, that have really bad teeth) to The Adventures of Milo and Otis, through to the famous menagerie of pugs owned
Marie Antoinette and, of course, concluding with Valentino's informous 5-pug tour de force, 
are just to list a few of pug-hilights.

But nothing is better than Valentino's relationship to his pack of pugs, as they line up on their designated seats on the private jet. V takes them everywhere!

Here is an excerpt from the adorable documentary on his V's life with his 5-pug platoon. Check out the whole thing - its called Valentino: The Last Emperor. Not to be missed!!

And back to Wilbur Baggins-Byron, this time, in hi halloween pumpkin getup:

So here is a little bit of the history of my black puglet. Wilbur Matisse Baggins has just turned 3 and, except for a brief period of extreme rotten tomato in the first 6 months and last night where he kept me up all night barking his head off, is my pride and joy.

Pugs are definitely the bestest of the best in the doggy kingdom. Never will you find a more cutchy, affectionate and lazy beast (the latter is the best quality!). Feasting and sleeping--that's 90% of their daily activities. A run around the block is exhausting for them, and, as a result, Wilbur is out like a light for the rest of the day, snoring his head off.

And snore they do in abundance. Now some people don't like this in a pet, but aside from waking you up in the night, I think it quite endearing. Wilbur has quite an extensive range of nose-related noises, full of subtle nuances and expressive gestures.

Actually, Wilbur communicates almost exclusively through this delicate and subtle range of nasal sounds. He has a particular snort for the sun being too hot, another for being picked up prematurely, and yet another to show his satisfaction after finishing a bowl of his beloved Crunchies.

Here is a glimpse of his emu egg tummy after a month of two into his hyper stage...

And here's a more recent one of him displaying his resentment at my camera's flash:

And another where he is checking out the kitchen proceedings:

The Onion, in contrast, has a very different opinion of the Pug: "Not in any Way a Viable Dog"

Thanks, Onion :-) :-| :-( :-<

And Pugs love to drive, especially with Jason.

This is him in a more 'energetic' disposition:

And in a disinctive alert mood?

And Too Very Ugly:

Yup. That is really not a flattering one...

So all is well in the Byron household until....,

There! See it? See that single stray hair in front of the owner? That single evil dead.

That stray particle of extreme filth. That is the nightmare of a Pug. The two-edged sword component. It's not that single one that causes such woe but the multitude of them. They get in everywhere. There isn't a crevice they don't get into. I even sneezed out one the other day! And right after that I found another in my dinner! So vacuuming everywhere regularly is essential. And since I am not really a cleaning freak, this is a pain. I mean, I try not to be a slob, and I do have higher cleanliness standards that Jason does (!) but owning a Pug does make you clean much more regularly.....

One last bleep about pugs. No Pug post would be complete without paying homage to the Pug of all Pugs, Gadget. All pug lovers adore him. He is a internet celebrity, of course. Many puglets fawn over him and many an owner wishes to steel him. Find out more about him and his bro, Gizmo at their doting family's site The Urban Pug.

anyone out there a pug owner/addict? if so, let me see!!

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